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The Perfect Christmas Gift - A Ghost Walk E-Ticket!

Looking for the perfect GIFT! Why not give the gift that keeps on giving....... Nightmare that is.👻

Check out our Newcastle Ghost Walk gift vouches and download them as the perfect spooky gift with a twist. Starting at only £10. It's just what grandma wants in her stocking! 😉👻😉

They can be used on any tour all year long with a 12 month expiry date!

The Perfect Christmas Gift - A Ghost Walk E-Ticket is on sale now! (limited supply)

Ghost Walk E-Ticket for Newcastle Ghost Walks
Ghost Walk E-Ticket for Newcastle Ghost Walks


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©2024 by Haunted City Tours, Newcastle Ghost Walk , Newcastle Ghost Walks, Haunted Tours of Newcastle, Ghost Tours Newcastle, Haunted Tours of Newcastle are all trade marked to Alone In The Dark Entertainment and Newcastle Ghost Walks.

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Scream Awards Winner
Awards Newcastle Ghost Walks Newcastle Upon Tyne, Logo
Award Winning  Luxury Travel  Guide 2017
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