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Ghosts of the Garth, Newcastle Ghost Walk that will scare the s#'@t out of you!

Steven J Taylor Ghost Hunter, Ghost at a table during seance,
Steven leading a seance as a ghost of a women in old clothing and no arms looks on as the spirit communicates with the table. A locked of camera caught the ghost!

OK so as many of our regular ghost walkers and people involved in the paranormal and ghostly community know that I have worked the Newcastle Ghost Walks since 2006 and launched the first tour in October 2007 and now it is almost 12 years later but on the tenth anniversary of the tour to celebrate a decade of fright I put pen to paper and created The Haunting of Castle Garth.

This book was my first book all about the lesser known stories of Newcastle Castle, Black Gate to the Bridge Hotel along with the many haunted sites around the old Garth but it was more than that as I gave my first hand accounts of my own paranormal experiences.

eBook, ghost stories, ghost photos, Newcastle Ghost Walks, Steven J Taylor, S J Taylor, Writer,
The book that created one of our most scary tours Ghost of the Garth.

With myself been a tour guide and at one point running 6 tour a weekend in Newcastle's Castle Garth I was in the right place at the right time during ten years, I noticed patterns and seen ghosts from a small girl to black shadow shapes, a plague doctor, a small boy and a women crying, a man in a blue shirt that vanished, phantom legs, a guard eating what looked like bread to strange smells of horse manure to coal burning. I have seen people attacked, thrown and grabbed, pass out and even punched by unseen hands. I was there when Oxford university came, I launched the first FM full time paranormal radio show from the Castle Garth and I have been there when Most Haunted arrived to filming of Blood on the Wire when the staff ran out of a building after seeing a ghost.

I created the book which is my first hand accounts of the hauntings of the Castle Garth along with lost history, morbid stories and interesting facts that are over looked along with theories in the hauntings. The book includes photos of ghosts caught over the years.

Sadly the printed version is now sold out and no more prints will be made but we still have the original manuscripts for download at just £4.99 Click here to find out more or buy the eBook.

However if reading is not your thing then whey not relive each story on our NEW ghost walking tour called Ghost of the Garth and is based on this book! Even better, read the book then visit the tour and see the locations, try and re created your own ghost photos and experience the hauntings for yourself as we use modern ghost hunting tools. Visit our tour page here for more information.



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